Consiste em um único pico para alinhamento óptico de qualquer citômetro de fluxo em todos os canais de UV a Far Red • Determina se a célula de fluxo está limpa e sem bloqueio de fluido • Mede os coeficientes de variação (CVs), canais de pico e distribuição do histograma para determinar a funcionalidade dos citômetros de fluxo.
Novos citômetros de fluxo com número crescente de canais fluorescentes no UV e no Vermelho Extremo e a disponibilidade dos conjugados fluorescentes correspondentes estão agora disponíveis. Para acompanhar, desenvolvemos as Partículas Fluorescentes Ultra Rainbow com intensidade de fluorescência UV e Far Red aprimorada . As partículas fluorescentes Ultra Rainbow contêm um único pico e são projetadas para verificar o alinhamento óptico de qualquer citômetro de fluxo em todos os canais.
Este produto contém uma única população de partículas de arco-íris tingidas com uma única intensidade fluorescente. Cada partícula de arco-íris contém uma mistura de fluoróforos que são incorporados de forma estável na partícula e podem ser excitados em qualquer comprimento de onda de 365-650 nm, permitindo que a maioria dos canais em um citômetro de fluxo sejam calibrados usando o mesmo conjunto de partículas. As partículas de arco-íris têm espectros de emissão compatíveis com muitos fluoróforos comuns usados para coloração imunofluorescente por análise de citometria de fluxo. As partículas fluorescentes do arco-íris são fornecidas em um frasco conta-gotas para distribuição e armazenamento convenientes.
Procedimentos de ensaio recomendados
Esta mistura de partículas (~ 10 × 10 ^ 6 partículas / mL) é útil para calibração de rotina de citômetros de fluxo. Antes de usar, ressuspenda as partículas em vórtex. A diluição de 3-5 gotas de partículas em 1 ml de fluido de invólucro fornecerá um número adequado de partículas para análise de citometria de fluxo.
Avisos de produto
Cuidado: A azida de sódio produz ácido hidrazóico altamente tóxico em condições ácidas. Dilua os compostos de azida em água corrente antes de descartar para evitar o acúmulo de depósitos potencialmente explosivos no encanamento.
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Rainbow Calibration Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.